Hi everyone, a number of links to resources that might be useful for you have recently come my way:
- WNYC’s John Keefe and Google Fusion Tables: http://johnkeefe.net/not-just-big-data-fusion-tables-for-little-ma
- Amanda Hickman at the CUNY Journalism School runs several classes on data journalism, and this blog post (I believe from one of her students) also discusses Fusion Tables: http://datadrivenjournalism.2013.journalism.cuny.edu/2013/03/04/google-fusion-table-mapping-review/
- Here’s a comparison of Fusion Tables and cartoDB: http://blog.cartodb.com/post/21264086445/comparing-fusion-tables-to-open-source-cartodb
- Interview with Andrew Hill at cartoDB: http://www.interhacktives.com/2014/01/17/interview-with-andrew-hill-of-cartodb/
- Andrew also has started a “map academy” with cartoDB, a set of online virtual courses about the software/service: http://academy.cartodb.com/
Other Resources
- The Association of College & Research Libraries has a series called Keeping Up With… and this month’s is on augmented reality: http://www.ala.org/acrl/publications/keeping_up_with/ar
- The Library Association of CUNY’s Emerging Technologies Committee did a data visualization workshop recently, here’s what they covered: https://emerging.commons.gc.cuny.edu/2014/02/data-viz-hack-day-resources/
- A compendium of data visualization resources that may be helpful more generally: http://machlis.com/NICAR2013/
Finally, here’s the link to more info on the open educational resources program being held at the GC on Friday 3/7 at 10am that I mentioned in our last class. RSVP by 2/27.